Ethical Foundations of Legal Representation in Mediation and the Importance of its Regulation


  • Tamar Gobejishvili
  • Gvantsa Takashvili



mediation, mediation process, attorney representative, code of ethics, ethical obligations of attorney representative, ethics commission, privacy protection.


The abstract is available in Georgian

Author Biographies

Tamar Gobejishvili

Intern of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University National Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Gvantsa Takashvili

Intern of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University National Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution.


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How to Cite

Gobejishvili, T., & Takashvili, G. (2022). Ethical Foundations of Legal Representation in Mediation and the Importance of its Regulation. Alternative Dispute Resolution Yearbook, 11(2), 197–224 (Geo).