Confidentiality of the Mediation Process and Ethical Dilemmas


  • Mikheil Bichia



Mediation, Confidentiality, Neutrality, Fairness, Ethical dilemmas, Grounds for Restrictions.


Scientific research is dedicated to the protection of the legal foundations of Confidentiality in the process of mediation and ethical dilemmas. The paper discusses the negative and positive aspects of mediation confidentiality, the importance of confidentiality protection.

In addition, the purpose of the study is to first determine the specifics of the national model regarding the confidentiality of mediation, and then to define the approaches of international acts on the confidentiality of the mediation process, the legislative regulation of different countries (Germany, Austria, etc.). The study is based on the concept that confidentiality is an integral part and the main principle of mediation that stimulates certain positive aspects (sincerity of the parties, fairness of the agreement, neutrality of the mediator, effectiveness of mediation, etc.). Accordingly, the paper emphasizes that there is a logical chain between these factors. Confidentiality connects these circumstances with one another and plays a central role in mediation.

At the same time, protecting Confidentiality increases the risk of damaging the public interest. However, in parallel with the protection of Confidentiality, the principles of legality and fairness should not be violated while ensuring that the public interest is protected. The activity of the mediator also requires the resolution of ethical dilemmas, which involves a thorough study of each case and taking into account specific circumstances. Accordingly, each case should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and it must be determined to what extent another value may override the interest of protecting Confidentiality in mediation.

Here, the article also deals with the legal grounds for limitation of Confidentiality, in the presence of which the invasion in Confidentiality can be considered legitimate. Determining the legitimacy of violation and restriction of confidentiality is important for distribution of the burden of proof between the parties. Simple, understandable and clearly outlining the grounds for confidentiality restriction is essential to assess this issue correctly. This is even more relevant for the Georgian model, which envisages a fairly wide range of confidentiality restrictions on the one hand, and requires the observance of proportionality, on the other hand. In this reality, the mediator should try to find a golden mean in his activities so that the protection of one value does not lead to an unreasonable encroachment of another value.

Author Biography

Mikheil Bichia

Doctor of Law, Visiting Lecturer at TSU, Professor at the European University, Expert in accreditation of higher education programs, Chief Research Fellow at Legal Research Institute, Lawyer, Mediator.


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How to Cite

Bichia, M. (2023). Confidentiality of the Mediation Process and Ethical Dilemmas. Alternative Dispute Resolution Yearbook, 12(1), 7–40 (Geo) 41.