The Discussion about Party-Appointed Arbitrators: Addressing “Moral Hazards” with Possible Solutions
AI, arbitration, blind appointments, impartiality, independence, joint appointment, party-appointed arbitrators, “moral hazard”.Abstract
Arbitration is a widely favored method for resolving disputes, particularly in transnational business contexts. In order it to remain being an effective and favored means of dispute resolution is it crucial to keep arbitrators impartial and independent.
However, some practitioners and scholars argue that the system of party-appointed arbitrators compromises the independence and impartiality of arbitration. Professor Paulsson advocates abandoning this system, citing significant concerns. This article begins with an overview of current practices and the challenges they pose to impartiality. It then analyzes Paulsson's arguments in detail and examines counterpoints from other scholars who view party-appointed arbitrators as integral to the arbitration process. Finally, the article proposes several potential solutions—such as joint selection, appointment by neutral bodies, and AI involvement—to enhance independence and impartiality in party-appointed arbitrator system.
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