Peculiarities of Family Dispute Resolution in Mediation and Possible Ethical-Legal Dilemmas


  • Natia Chitashvili
  • Tamar Chalidze



family dispute, mediation, ethics, self-determination, best interest of the minor, court, neutrality, self-determination, equality, justice.


The abstract is available in Georgian

Author Biographies

Natia Chitashvili

Doctor of Laws, Associate Professor at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Law, Member of Contemporary Private Law Institute, Executive Board Member of Mediators Association of Georgia, Mediator, Mediator of Collective Labour Disputes, Trainer and Assessor of Mediator Candidates, Executive Director of TSU National Center of Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Tamar Chalidze

PhD Student at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Law, Certified Candidate of Mediator of LEPL Mediators Association of Georgia, Chief Consultant of Judge at Tbilisi Appeal Court.


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How to Cite

Chitashvili, N., & Chalidze, T. (2022). Peculiarities of Family Dispute Resolution in Mediation and Possible Ethical-Legal Dilemmas. Alternative Dispute Resolution Yearbook, 11(2), 30–143 (Geo).